- Bedsider
- October 24, 2012
- 3:00 pm
get healthy living updates
The vast majority of sexually active women ? 99% ? have used birth control at some point. Doesn?t sound very controversial, right? Yet somehow a whole lot of folks seem to be ?discussing? birth control lately?and they don?t always have the facts straight.
You may have noticed birth control is what we?re all about, so we wanted to share 5 facts we think everyone should know about birth control in the U.S.
1. It?s a win for taxpayers and businesses.
2. It reduces abortion.
Earlier this month,?two studies?one from researchers in St. Louis and the other from researchers in Iowa?provided solid evidence that access to effective birth control can make a difference in this arena. Both studies made super-effective birth control methods available and affordable to local women over several years?and both studies resulted in major decreases in unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
On the national level, almost half of all pregnancies in the U.S. were unplanned as of 2006?and 43% of those unplanned pregnancies ended in abortion. Of all the women in the U.S. who are having sex and not trying to get pregnant,?two-thirds of them use birth control consistently and correctly?and those birth control superstars account for only 5% of unplanned pregnancies. The other 95% of unplanned pregnancies were to the third of U.S. women who weren?t trying to get pregnant but weren?t using birth control or were using it incorrectly or inconsistently.
Read more: Career, Community, Health, Life, News & Issues, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health, Women's Health
Everyone should have the life they want, when they want it. And until someone is ready to have a baby, we believe they should have access to birth control. That?s where we come in. Bedsider makes birth control easier. How? By giving you everything you need to find it, get it, and use it well.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/no-controversy-5-fantastic-arguments-for-better-birth-control-access.html
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